• Mittie Feest
  • June 6, 2023

The Perfect Summer Side: Delicious Bacon Macaroni Salad Recipe

When it comes to classic comfort food, few dishes can compete with the irresistible combination of bacon macaroni salad recipe.

Section 1: Ingredients and Equipment

To start off, gather the following ingredients:

  • 1 pound elbow macaroni
  • 8 slices of crispy bacon
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped celery
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped dill pickles
  • Salt and pepper to taste

You will also need:

  • Large pot for cooking macaroni
  • Mixing bowl
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Large spoon or spatula

Section 2: Cooking the Macaroni

1.Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
2.Add the macaroni and cook according to the package instructions until al dente.
3.Drain the cooked macaroni and rinse it under cold water to stop the cooking process.
4.Transfer the macaroni to a large mixing bowl and set it aside.

Section 3: Preparing the Dressing

1.In a separate bowl, combine the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, red onion, celery, and dill pickles.

2.Mix the ingredients together until well incorporated.

3.Season the dressing with salt and pepper to taste.

Section 4: Assembling the Salad

1.Crumble the crispy bacon into small pieces.
2.Add the bacon to the bowl of cooked macaroni.
3.Pour the dressing over the macaroni and bacon.
4.Gently toss the ingredients together, ensuring that the dressing coats all the macaroni evenly.
5.Adjust the seasoning if needed.

Section 5: Serving and Presentation

1.Transfer the Bacon Macaroni Salad to a serving dish.
2.For an added touch, garnish with a sprinkle of fresh chopped parsley or dill.
3.Serve the salad chilled, allowing the flavors to meld together.
4.Enjoy this crowd-pleasing salad at barbecues, picnics, or as a side dish to complement any meal.


By following these simple steps, you can create a sensational Bacon Macaroni Salad that will leave everyone craving for more. The combination of smoky bacon, creamy dressing, and perfectly cooked macaroni is sure to be a hit. Don’t hesitate to experiment with additional ingredients such as diced tomatoes or shredded cheese to add your personal touch. So, gather your ingredients, put on your apron, and get ready to impress with the best ever Bacon Macaroni Salad!


Q: Can I make Bacon Macaroni Salad ahead of time?
A: Yes, Bacon Macaroni Salad is a great make-ahead dish. You can prepare it a few hours in advance and refrigerate it until ready to serve. Just make sure to cover it tightly with plastic wrap or a lid to prevent it from drying out.

Q: Can I use a different type of pasta?
A: While elbow macaroni is the traditional choice for Bacon Macaroni Salad, you can certainly experiment with different pasta shapes. Farfalle, rotini, or penne are all good alternatives that can add a unique twist to the salad.

Q: Can I substitute mayonnaise with a different dressing?
A: Mayonnaise provides a creamy and tangy base for the dressing in Bacon Macaroni.While you can try using other dressings such as Greek yogurt or sour cream, keep in mind that it will alter the taste and texture of the salad. It’s best to stick with mayonnaise for the authentic flavor.

Q: Can I make a vegetarian version of Bacon Macaroni Salad?
A: Absolutely! You can omit the bacon and still enjoy a delicious vegetarian version of the salad. Consider adding some extra vegetables like diced bell peppers, carrots, or cherry tomatoes for added flavor and texture.

Q: How long does Bacon Salad last in the refrigerator?
A: Bacon Macaroni Salad can be refrigerated for up to 3-4 days if stored properly in an airtight container. Make sure to give it a good stir before serving to redistribute the dressing.

Q: Can I freeze Bacon Macaroni Salad?
A: It is not recommended to freeze Bacon Macaroni.The texture of the pasta may become mushy upon thawing, and the dressing may separate, resulting in a less desirable consistency.

Q: Can I customize Bacon Macaroni Salad with additional ingredients?
A: Absolutely! Bacon Macaroni can be customized to suit your taste preferences. Feel free to add ingredients like chopped hard-boiled eggs, diced red or green bell peppers, grated cheese, or even some chopped fresh herbs like parsley or chives to enhance the flavors.

Q: Is Bacon Macaroni Salad suitable for outdoor events or picnics?
A: Yes, Bacon Macaroni Salad is a fantastic option for outdoor events and picnics. It is a crowd-pleasing dish that can be enjoyed at room temperature, making it convenient and delicious for outdoor gatherings.

Q: Can I make a healthier version of Bacon Macaroni Salad?
A: To make a healthier version of Macaroni Salad, you can use whole wheat pasta, reduce the amount of mayonnaise, and add more vegetables. You can also opt for a light or low-fat mayonnaise substitute to cut down on calories.

Q: Can I double or halve the recipe?
A: Absolutely! You can easily adjust the recipe to suit your needs. Simply double or halve the ingredients while maintaining the same ratios for the dressing to ensure a balanced flavor.


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