Bed bugs can survive for several days or weeks without food depending on several factors, including the environment, food source, and temperature. In laboratory settings, they can live without food for five months. In the wild, they can live for up to 400 days without food. However, it is important to know that this is not the case for every bug.
Bed Bugs Have The Ability To Live in Conditions Ranging from Extreme Heat to High Humidity
They are also incredibly small, with flat bodies that allow them to fit into the smallest crevices. As they grow older, they tend to slow down and die from predation. As they get older, they can no longer reproduce as quickly as they did when they were young.
The length of time that a bedbug can live without food depends on the type of food they eat, the size of their population, and the environment. When the temperature is warm, bed bugs will feed once or twice daily. If it is cold, they may feed only once or twice per week.
As a result, it’s important to understand how long bed bugs live without food. This fact is directly related to the fact that these blood-eating insects are notoriously hard to eradicate. By learning how long bed bugs can survive without food, you can take steps to eliminate the infestation.
A Single Infestation Can Last up to a Year Without Food
A bedbug population can remain in a home for 40-400 days without a blood meal. The best way to control the infestation is to limit the source of their food. Even if you maintain a clean home, a bed bug population can still be in your home.
A single female bed bug can lay two to five eggs a day. This means that a single bed bug could become a colony of tens of thousands of bugs within three months. During this period, they need to feed on a blood meal to grow into an adult. The entire process takes five weeks to four months.
Bedbugs feed at night, usually on humans. Their mouthparts are elongated and have four pairs of stylets, which they extend during feeding time. They have a small claw on their chin to scrape a hole in the skin and drink the blood from the wound.