How to Tie a Tie
  • Matthew Daniel
  • March 20, 2023

3 Knots for All Events: How to Tie a Tie?

Tieing a tie is an effortless task. But what about getting it right? It’s critical to match the proper knot to the right occasion – and shirt collar – for a well-executed finishing touch. 

A stylish man has more than one go-to knot. Fortunately, the four knots listed below can handle nearly every aesthetic circumstance. Follow our simple step-by-step instructions for tying various knots.

Four In Hand:

Looking for a simple and adaptable knot? The “Four in Hand” is the one for you. It is one of the most fundamental tie knots. Follow these 5 easy steps.


  • Begin with your necktie’s wide end on the right, going about 12 inches below the lower edge on the left. After that, cross the broad end over the thin end.
  • Wrap the broad end of the tape around the small end of the tape.
  • Then, take the broad end and draw it up and through the loop around your neck.
  • With your index finger, lightly hold the front of the knot and draw the broad end down through the front loop.
  • Finally, tighten the knot to the collar and move the knot up.

Half Windsor:

The half Windsor is the Full Windsor’s younger brother. It is medium in size and ideal for thicker fabric ties. Learn the half Windsor in eight easy steps:


  • Wrap the tie around your neck, leaving the broad end 12 inches lower than the small end. Then cross the wide end over the small end, then around from the rear.
  • Bring the broad end around behind the small end.
  • Then, with the broad end, pull it through the gap.
  • Next, take the broad end and wrap it around the tie’s small end.
  • Pull the broad end through the gap between the collar and tie once more.
  • Pull loosely enough to allow for a loop on top of the knot.
  • Pull the tie’s broad end through the loop. 
  • Pull tight and centre the knot. That’s the only thing there is to it!

Full Winsdor:

The Full Windsor knot is a little more complicated necktie knot. Follow these 9 steps to tie the Windsor:


  • Begin with your necktie’s wide end on the right, extending about 14 inches below the narrow end on the left. After that, cross the broad end over the thin end.
  • Bring the broad end through the loop between your collar and tie.
  • Then, return the broad end to its original position.
  • Pull the broad end to the right and below the small end. The reverse side of the broad end of the tie should be visible.
  • Pull the broad end of the tie through.
  • Pull the broad end down to tighten. Then take the broad end and wrap it around the small end so that the wide end’s front is visible again.
  • Then, draw the broad end back up through the loop.
  • Bring the broad end down through the knot in front of you. That’s all!


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