How to Use the Piso WiFi Pause Function
  • Matthew Daniel
  • July 10, 2023

How to Use the Piso WiFi Pause Function

In today’s fast-paced world, a stable and reliable internet connection is crucial. Piso WiFi has emerged as a popular solution to provide affordable internet access to the masses. One of the standout features of Piso WiFi is the pause function, which allows users to temporarily suspend their internet connection.

What is the Piso WiFi Pause Time?

The Piso WiFi pause time refers to the duration for which the internet connection is temporarily halted. When you activate the pause function, the devices connected to the Piso WiFi network will lose their internet access for the specified time period. This feature comes in handy when you want to restrict internet usage for a specific duration, such as during family time or when you need uninterrupted focus for work or study.

How to Use the Piso WiFi Pause Time

To utilize the Piso WiFi pause function, follow these simple steps:

1. Open your preferred web browser on a device connected to the Piso WiFi network.

2. In the address bar, type and press Enter.

3. You will be directed to the Piso WiFi login page.

4. Enter the required login credentials, typically the username and password provided by the Piso WiFi service provider. If you haven’t changed the default credentials, refer to the user manual or contact your service provider.

5. After successful login, you will have access to the Piso WiFi administration panel.

6. Locate the “Pause” or “Pause Function” option in the panel. The exact placement may vary depending on the Piso WiFi router model.

7. Click on the “Pause” option, and a new window or tab will appear.

8. Set the desired duration for the pause time. Some routers allow you to select from predefined time intervals, while others allow custom time input.

9. Once you’ve specified the duration, click on the “Apply” or “Confirm” button to activate the pause function.

10. The internet connection will be temporarily disabled for the selected devices during the specified pause time.

Remember, only devices connected to the Piso WiFi network will be affected by the pause function. Devices connected to other networks or cellular data will remain unaffected.

Disadvantages of Piso WiFi Pause Function

While the Piso WiFi pause function offers convenience and control over internet access, it also has its limitations. It’s important to consider these disadvantages before relying solely on the pause function:

Limited Pause Duration

Some Piso WiFi routers may have a maximum limit for the pause time. If you require longer pauses, you might need to explore alternative solutions or contact your service provider for further assistance.

Inconvenience for Others

When you activate the pause function, it affects all devices connected to the Piso WiFi network. If there are other individuals relying on the internet during the pause period, it can cause inconvenience or disrupt their activities.

Dependency on Router Availability

The pause function relies on the functionality provided by the Piso WiFi router. In case of router malfunctions or power outages, the pause function may not work as intended.

Lack of Granular Control

The pause function typically affects all devices connected to the network simultaneously. If you require more granular control over individual devices, such as pausing one device while keeping others connected, the pause function may not fulfill your specific requirements.

How to Disable The Piso WiFi Pause Function

If you no longer wish to use the pause function or want to restore internet access to the devices, follow these steps to disable it:

1. Access the Piso WiFi administration panel by typing in your web browser’s address bar and pressing Enter.

2. Login using the appropriate credentials provided by your service provider.

3. Locate the “Pause” or “Pause Function” option in the administration panel.

4. Click on the option to open the pause settings.

5. Select the “Disable” or “Turn Off” option to deactivate the pause function.

6. Save the changes by clicking on the “Apply” or “Confirm” button.

7. The pause function will now be disabled, and all devices connected to the Piso WiFi network will regain their internet access.

It’s important to note that the steps to disable the pause function may vary depending on the Piso WiFi router model and the user interface of the administration panel. Refer to the user manual or contact your service provider for detailed instructions specific to your setup.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I set different pause durations for different devices connected to Piso WiFi?

A: No, the pause function typically applies to all devices connected to the Piso WiFi network simultaneously. If you require individual pause durations, you may need to explore alternative methods or contact your service provider for customized solutions.

Q: Will the pause function affect devices connected to other networks?

A: No, the pause function only affects devices connected to the Piso WiFi network. Devices connected to other networks or cellular data will remain unaffected.

Q: Can I pause the internet connection indefinitely?

A: The pause function usually has a maximum duration limit set by the router. If you require longer pauses, you might need to consider other options or consult your service provider for alternative solutions.

Q: Will the pause function consume additional internet data or affect my data usage?

A: No, the pause function does not consume any additional internet data. It temporarily suspends internet access for the selected devices without any impact on your data usage.

Q: Can I schedule the pause function to activate automatically at specific times?

A: The availability of scheduling features depends on the capabilities of your specific Piso WiFi router. Some routers may offer advanced options to schedule the pause function, while others may not provide this functionality. Refer to the user manual or contact your service provider for more information.

Q: Can I pause specific websites or online services using the pause function?

A: No, the pause function is designed to temporarily suspend the internet connection for devices connected to the Piso WiFi network as a whole. It does not offer the ability to selectively pause specific websites or online services.


The Piso WiFi pause function provides a convenient way to temporarily suspend internet access for devices connected to the network. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively utilize this feature to regulate internet usage and ensure uninterrupted focus when needed. However, it’s essential to be aware of the limitations and consider the potential inconveniences it may cause to other users. If the pause function doesn’t meet your specific requirements, explore alternative solutions or consult your service provider for customized options.


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