• Mittie Feest
  • June 2, 2023

Mastering the Art of Crafting the Best Ever Ham and Swiss Sliders


When it comes to crowd-pleasing appetizers, few can compete with the savory goodness of Ham and Swiss Sliders. These delightful mini
sandwiches are a hit at parties, game nights, or even as a quick lunch option.


  • 12 slider buns
  • 12 slices of honey ham
  • 6 slices of Swiss cheese, halved
  • 1/4 cup of mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup of melted butter
  • 1 tablespoon of finely minced onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Prepare the Secret Sauce:

In a small bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, finely minced onion, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, salt, and
pepper. This flavorful sauce will add a tangy kick to your sliders.

Assemble the Sliders:

Slice the slider buns horizontally and place the bottom halves in a greased baking dish. Spread a generous amount of the secret sauce on
each bun. Layer the honey ham slices on top, followed by the halved Swiss cheese slices. Replace the top halves of the buns to create a
complete sandwich.

Brush on the Butter Mixture:

In a separate bowl, mix the melted butter and poppy seeds. Brush this butter mixture evenly over the tops of the sliders, ensuring each
one is well-coated.

Into the Oven:

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake the sliders for 15-20 minutes, or until the cheese
is melted and the buns turn golden brown.

Serve and Enjoy:

Once baked, remove the sliders from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes. Slice them apart and serve warm. These delectable
Ham and Swiss Sliders are perfect for sharing with family and friends, and they make a great addition to any gathering or casual get-


With this foolproof recipe, you can create the Best Ever Ham and Swiss Sliders that will impress even the most discerning taste buds.
From the layers of succulent ham and gooey Swiss cheese to the flavorful secret sauce, every bite will be a tantalizing experience. So,
gather your ingredients, follow the steps carefully, and get ready to delight in these mouthwatering sliders. Prepare to become the
ultimate host or hostess, serving up a dish that will leave your guests craving for more.


Q1: What are ham and Swiss sliders?
A1: Ham and Swiss sliders are small sandwiches made with soft rolls filled with ham, Swiss cheese, and other delicious ingredients.

Q2: How do I make ham and Swiss sliders?
A2: To make ham and Swiss sliders, slice open a package of soft rolls horizontally. Layer sliced ham and Swiss cheese on the bottom half
of the rolls, and add any desired toppings or condiments. Place the top half of the rolls on top and brush with a buttery sauce. Bake until
the cheese is melted and the sliders are heated through.

Q3: Can I use different types of cheese?
A3: Yes, you can experiment with different types of cheese based on your preference. Cheddar, provolone, or Gruyere cheese are great
alternatives to Swiss cheese in ham sliders.

Q4: What kind of ham should I use?
A4: You can use sliced deli ham or leftover cooked ham. Choose a ham that suits your taste, such as honey glazed or smoked ham.

Q5: Can I make ham and Swiss sliders ahead of time?
A5: Yes, you can assemble the sliders ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator until ready to bake. Keep in mind that the sliders
may need a few extra minutes in the oven if starting from chilled.

Q6: Can I customize the toppings and condiments?
A6: Absolutely! Feel free to personalize your sliders by adding mustard, mayonnaise, pickles, or any other toppings and condiments that
you enjoy.

Q7: Can I make a vegetarian version of these sliders?
A7: Yes, you can make a vegetarian version by substituting the ham with sliced vegetarian deli meat or roasted vegetables. You can also
explore plant-based cheese alternatives for a vegan twist.

Q8: Can I freeze ham and Swiss sliders?
A8: It’s not recommended to freeze already assembled sliders, as the texture and quality may be affected. However, you can freeze the
individual components (rolls, ham, cheese) separately and assemble them fresh before baking.

Q9: What can I serve with ham and Swiss sliders?
A9: Ham and Swiss sliders go well with a side of chips, a salad, or a bowl of soup. They are perfect for parties, picnics, or as a quick and
satisfying meal.

Q10: Can I make smaller or larger batches of sliders?
A10: Absolutely! You can easily adjust the recipe to make smaller or larger batches based on your needs. Just be mindful of the baking
time, as it may vary slightly depending on the size of the sliders.


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