• Matthew Daniel
  • March 20, 2023

Rescale 50m 100m Wiggersventurebeat

Rescaling a 50m series to a 100m series means doubling the length of the series. This can be done by interpolating the existing data points and adding new data points at regular intervals.

Assuming that you want to Rescale a 50m Series from the Wiggers Dataset in VentureBeat, Here Are The Steps to Rescale it to a 100m Series:

  1. Retrieve the 50m series from the Wiggers dataset in VentureBeat.
  2. Determine the time interval between data points in the original 50m series.
  3. Double the time interval to get the time interval between data points in the new 100m series.
  4. Interpolate the original data points to generate new data points at the doubled time intervals.
  5. Combine the original data points with the new interpolated data points to create the rescaled 100m series.

Here is an example Python Code to Rescale a 50m Series to a 100m Series Using Linear Interpolation:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Load the 50m series from the Wiggers dataset
df = pd.read_csv(‘wiggers.csv’)
time_interval = df[‘time’][1] – df[‘time’][0]# Double the time interval to get the time interval for the 100m series
new_time_interval = 2 * time_interval

# Create the new time axis for the 100m series
new_time = np.arange(df[‘time’].iloc[0], df[‘time’].iloc[-1] + new_time_interval, new_time_interval)

# Interpolate the original data points to generate new data points
new_pressure = np.interp(new_time, df[‘time’], df[‘pressure’])
new_volume = np.interp(new_time, df[‘time’], df[‘volume’])

# Combine the original data points with the new interpolated data points
rescaled_df = pd.DataFrame({‘time’: new_time, ‘pressure’: new_pressure, ‘volume’: new_volume})

# Save the rescaled 100m series to a CSV file
rescaled_df.to_csv(‘wiggers_rescaled.csv’, index=False)

Note that the code assumes that the original 50m series has columns named “time”, “pressure”, and “volume”, and that the rescaled 100m series will also have these same column names. If your dataset has different column names or formats, you will need to modify the code accordingly.


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