ROS Redeem Code Today 2023, Rules of Survival Promo Codes

by Matthew Daniel

ROS Redeem Code Today 2023, Rules of Survival Promo Codes

“Rules of Survival” (ROS) is a highly popular online game with a player capacity of 120. This battle royale game can be played individually, in pairs or groups of up to 4 players, or with a fire team of five players. The game features two maps: Ghilli Island, with 120 players, and Fearless Fjord, with 300 players. It also offers different game modes, such as Gold Mode, where players can earn gold, or Diamond Mode, where players can earn diamonds throughout the match.

ROS is similar to other RPG games, such as Free Fire, where players must be the last person standing on an island. The game incorporates elements of massively multiplayer mode and strategy. The safe zone of play will gradually decrease in size as the game progresses, with players caught outside the zone at a disadvantage. The game begins with a plane that flies all the players to an island, where players can jump and parachute to their desired location. There, players can loot weapons, armor, and medical kits, as well as drive vehicles.

Rules of Survival 2023 Details

Developer NetEase Games
Publisher NetEase Games
Engine Unity
Platform Microsoft Windows, Android, iOS
Category Redeem Codes
Release May 31, 2018
Official site
Genre Battle royale
Mode Multiplayer

State of Survival Codes Redeem 2023

In this article, you will find a list of redeem codes for Rules of Survival (ROS) that can be used to obtain various resources. These codes are valid for both the PC and mobile versions of the game. These codes will soon expire, so be sure to use them as soon as possible. The codes in this article offer special rewards, such as Biocaps, Epic Hero Badges, Epic Hero Pieces, Advanced Quest Maps, Maps, Metals, Food, Wood, Training speed, construction speed, research speed, and more.

NetEase Games, the developer, and publisher of ROS released the game on May 31, 2018, for Microsoft Windows, Android, and iOS. The game is based on the Unity engine and is classified as a redeem code game. Rules of Survival has been played and downloaded by over 300 million people worldwide, with an 8×8 map and over 300 players competing against each other to become the ultimate winner.

Active ROS Redeem Code 2023

  • Redeem code for 50 Biocaps,
  • x1 Advanced Search Map,
  • x3 1K Gas, x3 1K Metal,
  • x3 1K Food,
  • x3 1K Wood,
  • x3 5 Training Speedup, and
  • x3 5m Research Speedup (New)
  • Redeem code for 50 Biocaps,
  • x1 Epic Hero Badge,
  • x1 Epic Hero Fragment,
  • x1 Advanced Search Map,
  • x5 1K Gas,
  • x5 1K Metal,
  • x5 1K Food,
  • x5 1K Wood,
  • x4 5m Training Speedup,
  • x4 5m Construction Speedup
  • x4 5m Research Speedup
  • Redeem code for x1 1K Biocaps,
  • x2 Epic Search Map,
  • x100 200 Chief EXP,
  • x10 Rusty (Fragments,)
  • x300 1K Metal,
  • x300 1K Food and
  • x300 1K Wood (New Players Only)
  • Redeem code for x1 Epic Hero Badge,
  • x 1 Elite Hero Fragment,
  • x2 1K Gas,
  • x2 1K Metal,
  • x2 1K Food,
  • x2 1K Wood,
  • x2 5m Training Speedup, and
  • x2 Combat Manual I

Redeeming Rules of Survival Codes: Steps

  1. You must first go to the official redemption website.
  2. then decide on a gaming server.
  3. In the Enter Code area, type the working code that you copied.
  4. To confirm the redemption, choose that option.
  5. To receive your prizes, start the game.

Rules Of Survival RoS Gift Code List

  • s13a9a1d3804
  • SD406B202C12
  • SFA773217A67
  • sosniko
  • PROMO100
  • GIFT32404
  • ROS192643
  • RULES300
  • 325DIAMOND
  • FREE3658
  • FREE2020
  • ROSFREE360
  • CUPON100
  • Happy4thjuly
  • environment
  • Profession

Expired Gift Codes

  • league champions
  • morejstusos
  • nikitunsos
  • poleznyibessos
  • Profession
  • Samsung
  • shimoroshowsos
  • solidvideosos
  • environment – Redeem for 300 Biocaps and 2 Advanced Search Maps
  • Sunday – Redeem for 300 Biocaps
  • Profession – Redeem for 250 Biocaps
  • HOFFNUNG – Redeem for 30x 1-minute Speed Ups, 400 Biocaps, and 2 Search Maps
  • character – Redeem for 300 Biocaps
  • cometogether
  • chaos
  • alarm
  • gameplayhk
  • ilovechocolate2021
  • solidvideosos

How Can I Use My Free Rules of Survival Diamonds?

  1. Sign in to the game first.
  2. Prior to using the PIN code, You must remain connected.
  3. Get the code by visiting the Rules of Survival (RoS) official Redeem Code website.
  4. Visit the following website to view the PC version.
  5. for a mobile version, visit the following website
  6. You must next choose your game server and provide your Player ID.
  7. Enter the Redeem Code Now after that. Select the Confirm redemption button.
  8. Enter the game now and take the item from the mailbox.

How are diamonds redeemed in ROS?

On Ros, redeeming gems is simple. Simply go to the “Redeem” area after buying the gems and follow the directions. Your specific redemption code and pin, which you got after making your purchase, are required. Click “Submit” to finish your purchase when those have been entered into the relevant fields.

How Do I Locate My Player ID for Ros?

You must log in to your account and select “Account Details” from the main menu in order to obtain your Ros player ID. You may access all of your information, including your player ID, from this location.

In Conclusion

Rules of Survival (ROS) is a thrilling game that offers a variety of resources and rewards through the use of redeem codes. Don’t miss the opportunity to boost your game experience and obtain exclusive bonuses!